
Athletes in Action was officially launched at UVA in the fall of 1999 to support and encourage a small gathering of athletes and coaches. Back then, Terry Holland (AD), took his keys out of his pocket, and a key off his key ring, and said, “let me know what night you want to use my basement.”

Since, then we have come alongside thousands of athletes at the University exploring faith, growing in their spiritual walk, developing deep convictions, finding purpose, and experiencing freedom from the pressures of sport and college. We have opened more doors to our homes, prepared more meals, drink more coffee, and taken more jogs with this community than we can count along the way. We have also graduated from the basement.

Today, we partner as a team with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at UVA to serve the athletic community (Coaches, Athletes, and Admin). Our means of serving the University consists of:

  • Weekly All Sport Chapel

  • Discipleship and Mentorship

  • Bible Studies

  • Fun Events (Putt-Putt Tourney, Operation Christmas Child, Pizza Trivia)

  • Hospitality (Welcome Back Ice Cream or Hot Chocolate, Pancakes and Omelets)

  • Support at Practices and/or Games